Edition 005

How to Capture Those Glowing Reviews for Any Business

May 10, 2023
3 min read
marketingmarketing tipsonline reviews
Glowing Reviews

Did you know the most trusted source of marketing is the third-party review? Third-party reviews are those published on websites outside of the business being reviewed, so they pack a real one-two punch of social proof and lend extra credibility to businesses. But how do you convert your happy customers into enthusiastic reviewers? Read on for seven simple tips you can start using immediately.

Keep it easy and accessible.

If you want clients to leave reviews, make it easy for them. Would you write a review if you had to jump through hoops? No way. So make the process quick, straightforward, and simple in two key ways.

First, make it mobile-friendly. People don’t want to be bothered logging into a computer just to leave a review. Provide links directly from your website or email campaigns, so customers can quickly and easily access the review platform from any device.

Second, avoid making your review form over-complicated. Too many fields or lengthy questions will lead clients to procrastinate or worse, abandon their review halfway through. So keep it short and sweet.

Ask at the right time.

Timing is everything, my friend. So exactly when is the best time to ask for a review? That’s a tough call. Some experts recommend asking immediately after services are rendered, while others think it’s better to wait a week or two. Consider who you’re asking and when it may be a good time for them to accommodate your review request.

You can even take a quick video at the time of service to capture some authentic, in-the-moment feedback. Ask your clients a couple brief questions about how they’re feeling and how they rate their experience working with you. They’re often happy and excited at this point and may give you positive feedback that you can leverage for video content or even convert into a written testimonial.

Be specific.

When you send out emails requesting feedback, make sure you’re very precise about what you’re asking; otherwise, clients may not be sure what type of information they should include in their review. Tell them exactly the kinds of specific details you’re looking for in their testimonial.

Incentivize participation.

Let’s face it, we all love rewards. So let your clients know that anyone who leaves a review is automatically entered into a drawing for a gift card or other prize. Or offer discounts on future services in exchange for reviews. Hello, who doesn’t like a good discount?

Pursue the review.

The more noise you make about leaving reviews, the more likely people will take the time to leave one. So don’t be shy about reminding clients! Send out emails, post reminders on social media, talk about it upstream! Relentlessly pursue the review. When clients give you verbal thanks in the moment for your services, prime the future request and tell them you’ll be asking for this same feedback in black and white soon.

Create a dedicated website page.

You should have a dedicated review link that’s easy to find and navigate. Ideally, it would be at the top of your website or in the main menu. You can even create a “Review” tab on each page of your site. That way, consumers have a constant, accessible reminder that they can provide feedback if they choose to do so.

Include links in your email signature.

If you frequently email customers, including links in your email signature can be a great way to get more people interacting with your review system. Having those links handy will increase the likelihood that someone will take advantage of the opportunity and submit their thoughts about working with you. You may even get reviews from some unlikely sources, too!

By implementing these tips, you’ll motivate existing customers to share their reviews of working with you— and thus prompt new customers who will eventually become future reviewers. It’s a continuous cycle that builds credibility and attracts new business.

BTW, if these tips were helpful in getting you to think differently about soliciting feedback, find us on social and leave a few words to let us know! (See what we just did there?).

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