Edition 009

South Cato Springs: New Development Coming to Fayetteville

Jun 28, 2023
2 min read
fayettevillesouth cato springs
South Cato Springs is Coming Soon

Land Size
230 Acres

Crafton & Tull, Core

Simon David, Vignir Eythorsson, Kiran Mohanty, Ethan McKnight, Ezra Royce, Serena Sun

South Cato Springs Holdings LLC

“South Cato Springs is a 230-acre development grounded in the health, wellness, and lifelong success of neurodivergent adults and other residents of Northwest Arkansas. The project began with the goal of creating a home for SLS Community, a Fayetteville 501(c)(3) established to provide neurodivergent adults with the essential resources to thrive, and later evolved into a plan for a new mixed-use, mixed-income neighborhood which includes much-needed workforce housing, a town square, a center for the University of Arkansas Medical School (UAMS), urban agricultural areas and open recreational spaces that tie into the region’s bike paths.

OSD’s ‘outside-in’ approach to designing the architecture, mobility, and landscape is deeply rooted in the innate beauty of the Ozarkian environment; nature informs the layout of buildings, streets, and recreational spaces, while also providing a rich resource for local and sustainable building materials. The design embraces principles of accessibility and inclusivity, supports the growth of fresh food, and prioritizes pedestrian and bicycle networks over cars -the master plan for South Cato Springs unfolds as OSD’s testament to mindful urbanism. South Cato Springs broke ground in June 2023 to commence initial sewer and road infrastructure.” Per OSD’s website.

South Cato Springs Map

Source: osd.nyc

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